Cabelas Tree Stands
Tree Stands Manufacturer: Cabelas
Cabelas Model:
Review Category: Tree Stands
Purchase: Tree Stands I purchased this stand from Cabelas for around $80. This stand is used for archery and rifle season.
Things I like about the Cabelas Tree Stands: Price is the best feature of this stand. For less than $100 dollars you are getting a very stable and sturdy tree stand. Since I hunt on federal land I don't mind leaving this stand chained and locked to the tree for the hunting seasons. If the stand does get swiped I'm only out $80 bucks. Easy to climb and feels very stable once attached to the tree.
What I don't like about the Cabelas : Getting this stand to the tree you want to hunt from can be some what of a pain. Like any stand it's not meant to be carried from tree-to-tree on a daily basis. The seat gets pretty hard after a couple of hours...I carry a hot seat up the tree stand to make it a little more comfortable.
Tree Stands quality: Construction and quality is great. The dull green finish seems to be holding up well. I purchased a couple cans of camo paint and gave it a quick camo job while making sure I paint the shiny nuts and bolts.
summary: I plan on purchasing a couple more stands to put in different locations in the woods. With the price of the stand being less than $100 dollars you can afford to purchase a couple of extras for different locations. Many of the hunters I camp with have more expensive tree stands but are now purchasing this stand so they can hunt different locations. In my opinion it's the only way to go if you're going to leave your stand in the woods on state or federal property.
Rating for this Cabelas product: 4
Author of this review on Cabelas Tree Stands: Dean
Date: 2004-11-30
Usefulness Rating: 4 out of 5.
8 reader(s) voted.
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