Rocky 400 gram scent Q Hunting Boots
Hunting Boots Manufacturer: Rocky
Rocky Model: 400 gram scent Q
Review Category: Hunting Boots
Purchase: Hunting Boots I bought these boots at Work Wear in Whitecourt, Alberta. I paid $180.
Things I like about the Rocky 400 gram scent Q Hunting Boots: The best thing is the comfort. They were great even the first time I wore them. I also like that they are really light. I also really like the camo pattern on them.
What I don't like about the Rocky 400 gram scent Q: My feet seem to sweat in them no mater what kind of socks I wore.
Hunting Boots 400 gram scent Q quality: The boots are well made. The grips are very aggressive yet "squishy". The stitching is very well done as well and the heel and ankle support is great.
400 gram scent Q summary: The bottom line is this is a great boot to wear in the late fall. The comfort of these babies is unreal. No comparison to any hunting boot I've worn. The boot has a great set of grips for icy and snow covered terrain and the camo pattern is excellent.
Rating for this Rocky product: 4
Author of this review on Rocky Hunting Boots: Scott Morrison
Date: 2004-12-01
Usefulness Rating: 2.9703 out of 5.
303 reader(s) voted.
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