Fish Finders-Lowrance X-71 Fish Finders
Fish Finders Manufacturer: Fish Finders-Lowrance
Fish Finders-Lowrance Model: X-71
Review Category: Fish Finders
Purchase: Fish Finders The cost was $229.00 at PSICompany.com plus another 70 some for the speed temp cable and connector.
Things I like about the Fish Finders-Lowrance X-71 Fish Finders: This is my first fish finder so forgive me if I write anything wrong here. I've had the unit out three times now. Since this was my first unit I didn't want to buy one too expensive, but also didn't know everything didn't come with it. Lessons learned, if you buy one you need the above mentioned speed temp. and cable, connector. The unit is pretty nice, it's amazing what you see on it. The clarity of the screen is good to even when the sun is really coming down.
What I don't like about the Fish Finders-Lowrance X-71 : Why the black and white. This is the year 2003, it can't cost that much to make them. If you buy the tranducer which you have to, you get a very nice temperature meter/gauge. Knowing the water temp. makes a huge difference.
Fish Finders X-71 quality: You would expect a certain degree of ruggedness for something going to spend some time in the boat. I think it is well made, only time will tell though.
X-71 summary: The x-71 is a real nice way for me to begin learning about these things. I may hike up to another model in a year down the road when I know what I want. As I said earlier I'm no where near an expert so take all of this with a grain of salt.
Rating for this Fish Finders-Lowrance product: 3
Author of this review on Fish Finders-Lowrance Fish Finders: Harvey O.
Date: 2003-09-18
Usefulness Rating: 3.12437 out of 5.
394 reader(s) voted.
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