crimson talons Broadheads
Broadheads Manufacturer: crimson talons
crimson talons Model:
Review Category: Broadheads
Purchase: Broadheads i payed around $30 for them
Things I like about the crimson talons Broadheads: I love how they shoot and cut Not to long ago I shot a doe at 25 yards and she only ran about 30 yards. I pull around 55 and i was amazed at how quick she went down. The arrow went straight through her too. I saw where she went down but i still wanted to follow the blood trail to see if these broadheads work as advertised, they do! the blood trail was very easy to follow, i'd say about every foot there was a good amount of blood. The deer died in around 5 minutes. when i went to look at her the wound was still leaking. these things are very accurate to, and i really like the tough bone crushing tip. Several ribs were broken from the arows impact. these are awesome
What I don't like about the crimson talons : i dont dislike anything about these
Broadheads quality: very sturdy and well made, i will able to use this broadhead again
summary: excellent
Rating for this crimson talons product: 5
Author of this review on crimson talons Broadheads: Peter
Date: 2004-12-02
Usefulness Rating: 4.34783 out of 5.
23 reader(s) voted.
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