stealtcam mc2-g Cameras & Accessories
Cameras & Accessories Manufacturer: stealtcam
stealtcam Model: mc2-g
Review Category: Cameras & Accessories
Purchase: I ordered it out of a catalog because I wanted to see how well it would capture pictures of deer. I bought it on sale for 59.95.
Things I like about the stealtcam mc2-g: The picture quality.
What I don't like about the stealtcam mc2-g: The film keeps getting stuck in the camera and you can't get it out without losing all the pictures.
mc2-g quality: Very durable and seems well built.
mc2-g summary: I would like to know what to do with the camera when the film gets stuck and it won't rewind
Rating for this stealtcam product: 3
Author of this review on stealtcam Cameras & Accessories: george kammerer
Date: 2004-12-13
Usefulness Rating: 5 out of 5.
1 reader(s) voted.
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