Muzzy One-hundred Broadheads
Broadheads Manufacturer: Muzzy
Muzzy Model: One-hundred
Review Category: Broadheads
Purchase: This broad head was used by one of my best friends, Ryan Harper, who has taken some quality whitetail bucks in Southern Ohio and when I first began bow hunting these are the broad heads that he suggested that I use. I purchased my muzzy broad heads at "The Tackle Box" in Ironton Ohio. My Muzzy's cost $22.00 for a pack of six.
Things I like about the Muzzy One-hundred: I have been using Muzzy's from the very beginning of my bow hunting career which started in 1994. Since that I time I have harvested countless numbers of does and a fair amount of quality whitetail bucks. I am most impressed with the accuracy I receive from the muzzy broad heads. The fly true and are never a concern about how they are going to fly. I have also experienced tremendous penetration and pass through on most of the deer that I have harvested. One of the best reasons why I love to hunt with Muzzy's is that you get a great broad head without breaking the bank. Muzzy's are a tremendous broad head that gives accuracy, good cutting diameter, penetration and pass-through at a price that is reasonable without sacrificing quality.
What I don't like about the Muzzy One-hundred: There is nothing about a Muzzy broad head that I do not like.
One-hundred quality: Muzzy is outfitted with three stainless steel surgical blades that are inserted into an aluminum shaft and fastened with a cut on contact point.
One-hundred summary: Muzzy broad heads, quality without the price. Nothing is sacrificed on this broad head. You get all that you want out of this inexpensive but quality broad head. This is a broad head that is not going to let you down when the chance of a lifetime walks within 30 yards of your stand. A broad head to be considered and not forgotten.
Rating for this Muzzy product: 5
Author of this review on Muzzy Broadheads: John Paul Patterson
Date: 2004-12-17
Usefulness Rating: 4.125 out of 5.
16 reader(s) voted.
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