simmons redline coated optics 801302 10x50wa Binoculars
Binoculars Manufacturer: simmons redline coated optics
simmons redline coated optics Model: 801302 10x50wa
Review Category: Binoculars
Purchase: Binoculars i purchased them at wallmarts. i was in need of a larger pair of binocs. i paid less than thirty dollars.
Things I like about the simmons redline coated optics 801302 10x50wa Binoculars: the price of course , but most of all the clarity and quality of the binocs.
What I don't like about the simmons redline coated optics 801302 10x50wa: NOTHING!
Binoculars 801302 10x50wa quality: they are tough rugged and fit the hands nicely.
801302 10x50wa summary: when i went shopping for a pair of binocs i was prepared to pay up to 100.00 dollars, the sales clerk tried to sell the simmons to me but i was insistant on buying a more expensive pair so i started comparing about seven or eight pairs and the end result was that the clerk was right the simmons were the best buy for my money.
Rating for this simmons redline coated optics product: 5
Author of this review on simmons redline coated optics Binoculars: mark pasinski
Date: 2004-12-18
Usefulness Rating: 4.75 out of 5.
4 reader(s) voted.
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