Magnus Nugentblade Broadheads
Broadheads Manufacturer: Magnus
Magnus Model: Nugentblade
Review Category: Broadheads
Purchase: I saw Ted Nugent on TV using the broadhead and figured i'd give em a try, so i ordered them directly from Magnus. I think it was $30 for 6.
Things I like about the Magnus Nugentblade: I like the fact that you can resharpen the blade. I was a little worried about them catching wind and not flying accurate but that wasnt the case.
What I don't like about the Magnus Nugentblade: The first deer i shot at i missed because of my own personal error and my arrow just stuck in the dirt. When i pulled it out the tip was curled in a J, i'd hate to see what would happen if it hit a shoulder blade. It only hit dirt! I couldnt believe it. I assumed it was just a freak thing and kept using the Nugentblades. Later on in the year i shot a six pointer right behind the shoulder, perfect, i didnt think my shot could have been any better. I was very optimistic and went to get my dad. We gave the deer a whole 3 hours. When we started the tracking job there was a decent blood trail and about 70 yards from the shot there was my deer bedded down with its head up. I went to put another arrow in it and it took off running. To sum up the story we tracked it for about 6 hours (1 mile) and didnt find it. Im standing behind my judgement that my shot was perfect. Im still shocked to this day how i didnt get it. The broadheads went in the garbage the next day.
Nugentblade quality: Poor quality they are weak. They bend easily.
Nugentblade summary: I wouldnt buy these. I have had very bad luck with them. Save your money and shoot a different broadhead.
Rating for this Magnus product: 1
Author of this review on Magnus Broadheads: Whackmaster J
Date: 2004-12-27
Usefulness Rating: 3.53333 out of 5.
15 reader(s) voted.
This Magnus Broadheads review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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