St Croix legend elite spincast Fishing Rods
Fishing Rods Manufacturer: St Croix
St Croix Model: legend elite spincast
Review Category: Fishing Rods
Purchase: Fishing Rods THis is the best fishing rod I have ever had. I got it from a guy that builds them in his home for $ 250. I was not much of a walley fisher until I had the chance to use one of my friends legend elite on the mississippi. I could not believe the difference in feel and precision that this rod made. I hooked at least three times as many walleys then with my omn rod. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get a fishing pole that is perfect for all kinds of fishing. ---great rod ---
Things I like about the St Croix legend elite spincast Fishing Rods: It is light jet very solid in the hook set. You can feel a blue gill hit a wax worm as well as a walley softly inhale a minnow. It has a very solid backbone but a sensitive tip.
What I don't like about the St Croix legend elite spincast : you probably guessed right, I wish it would be cheaper to get one, because I would like to have one or two more.
Fishing Rods legend elite spincast quality: Solid construction and a quality that I think cannot be beat at this time. Maybe a loomis will get there.
legend elite spincast summary: Just a great item. I think anyone would like to use on. If you don't want to spend the money, please never touch one, because if you do, you will be hooked.
Rating for this St Croix product: 5
Author of this review on St Croix Fishing Rods: fishing fool
Date: 2005-01-04
Usefulness Rating: 4.71429 out of 5.
7 reader(s) voted.
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