Quaker Boy Bleat-In-Heat Calls Lures Scents
Calls Lures Scents Manufacturer: Quaker Boy
Quaker Boy Model: Bleat-In-Heat
Review Category: Calls Lures Scents
Purchase: Calls Lures Scents Purchased at local hardware store for $10. There were a couple can calls to chose from, but the Quaker Boy version sounded pretty real and it was smaller and seemed more suitable for carrying around in my pocket.
Things I like about the Quaker Boy Bleat-In-Heat Calls Lures Scents: Bleat produced by this call is very realistic. It calms the does and young deer and brings the bucks running. Compact size Price
What I don't like about the Quaker Boy Bleat-In-Heat: Can be noisy when walking if you have something in your pocket with it that can block the air hole, like a glove or a headcover. This problem can be overcome by making sure it's in a pocket by itself. Soft gloves, like those made out of knit material, can interfere with proper operation by preventing a good seal on the air hole. A glove with a finger hole or a piece of tape overcomes this problem.
Calls Lures Scents Bleat-In-Heat quality: Mechanically sound. Small and lightweight - 1 3/4 inches in diameter, 2 inches long and weighs 2 1/2 ounces.
Bleat-In-Heat summary: This is a super call. Produces immediate response if there are deer within hearing distance. Realistic sound seems to calm the does and young deer. I have called them in close and they did not spook when I continued to use it to try and get a distant buck's attention. I have had bucks that were a hundred yards away turn and come running right at me IMMEDIATELY after using this call. Settle yourself away before you use it or else you might find yourself face to face with a big buck without any place to hide! Get ready to shoot before you tip this can over! Bottom line - it sounds real and brings the deer in everytime. Best $10 I ever spent.
Rating for this Quaker Boy product: 5
Author of this review on Quaker Boy Calls Lures Scents: Kevin
Date: 2005-01-04
Usefulness Rating: 3.5 out of 5.
16 reader(s) voted.
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