Zeiss 3.5 x 10 conquest Rifle Scopes
Rifle Scopes Manufacturer: Zeiss
Zeiss Model: 3.5 x 10 conquest
Review Category: Rifle Scopes
Purchase: Rifle Scopes Purchased Sept 04 thru internet riflescopes.com approx $530.00 conquest recommended by a friend
Things I like about the Zeiss 3.5 x 10 conquest Rifle Scopes: Excellent quality. good price
What I don't like about the Zeiss 3.5 x 10 conquest: so far, so good
Rifle Scopes 3.5 x 10 conquest quality:
3.5 x 10 conquest summary: My next scope will be in the $1000 range and I am now shopping for a new "deer" rifle that will serve me well for my first Elk Hunt in 2005. My previous scopes have been cheap $150. The conquest has helped me determine that quality is worth the extra price
Rating for this Zeiss product: 4
Author of this review on Zeiss Rifle Scopes: Stephen Hughes
Date: 2005-01-10
Usefulness Rating: 3.42466 out of 5.
73 reader(s) voted.
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