stealth cam mc2-g Cameras & Accessories
Cameras & Accessories Manufacturer: stealth cam
stealth cam Model: mc2-g
Review Category: Cameras & Accessories
Purchase: i ordered my 2 units from bass pro shop for use on our hunting property in tennessee. i paid $59.00 each.
Things I like about the stealth cam mc2-g: ease of operation, quality photos, duribility.
What I don't like about the stealth cam mc2-g: n/a
mc2-g quality: my cams have been left out for over 90 days at a time. all i have to do is retrieve the film and replace the batteries. i have never had a problem.
mc2-g summary: i knew our hunting property had some very large bucks. we had harvasted a few pretty nice deer. but on december 30, 2004 i captured a picture that is clearly a buck of a lifetime. it is at least a 160 -170 class 12 point buck. i have never seen a buck of this stature in tennessee. i cant wait for hunting this fall. i had hunted this property for five years and never saw this buck. without the camera, i may have never known he was there.
Rating for this stealth cam product: 5
Author of this review on stealth cam Cameras & Accessories: tim trentham
Date: 2005-01-11
Usefulness Rating: 0 out of 5.
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