Stren Magnathin 6lb test Fishing Line
Fishing Line Manufacturer: Stren Magnathin
Stren Magnathin Model: 6lb test
Review Category: Fishing Line
Purchase: Fishing Line I am now an old man of 70 years and have fished all over the world, having been in the Military for a career. I have fished with every make of line available and none compare with the magnathin. Is is strong, extremely small in diameter and has virtually no memory. I can cast a good 12 yards futher with this line than any other. Please do not remove this line from manufacturing process for I desire to fish with it the remaining time I have on this earth and would like to take some with me when I depart for the great fishing lake in the sky.
Things I like about the Stren Magnathin 6lb test Fishing Line: stong small diameter low memory
What I don't like about the Stren Magnathin 6lb test: Stores keep selling out, they do not stock enough.
Fishing Line 6lb test quality: No defects I would change the appearence to reflect the lb test of the line I am only talking about the packaging
6lb test summary: Rating is off the scale.
Rating for this Stren Magnathin product: 5
Author of this review on Stren Magnathin Fishing Line: Fishing Sargeant
Date: 2005-01-25
Usefulness Rating: 3.32323 out of 5.
198 reader(s) voted.
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