PSE Thunderbolt L-3 Archery Bows
Archery Bows Manufacturer: PSE
PSE Model: Thunderbolt L-3
Review Category: Archery Bows
Purchase: Archery Bows I have been shooting my PSe Thunderbolt for 3 years now and my Dad and Sister have also just purchased them. It shoots great, the price is right...I think I paid $350 for mine but now they go for $300. I bought mine from Cabelas in Owatonna MInnesota and they were wonderful. Set up my bow...I did not buy a kit...put my old sight on for me and I bought all new other accessories and they did it all for free. The bow is quiet and durable. IT rarely needs tuning. It is a great bow for those like myself (shooting 17 years) and those with just some experience. It has a long enough brace hight and axel to axel to make it a forgiving bow.
Things I like about the PSE Thunderbolt L-3 Archery Bows: The PSE company has also been great... I had a few questions because I lost my instruction book shortly after purchasing and they rushed one out to me. Great cutomer service. My Dad used to shoot the Baby G ..but switched to the Thunderbolt because it was so much easier to shoot in unideal hunting situations.
What I don't like about the PSE Thunderbolt L-3: There are no complaints about the bow..it is made well, shoots well and is very forgiving.
Archery Bows Thunderbolt L-3 quality: PSE has always made high quality bows and this one is no different.
Thunderbolt L-3 summary: I am in no hurry to change to anything other than a THunderbolt...I have had a Herters, Onida, Browning, and Matthews...but my Thunderbolt has all of the good qualitys and none of the bad of all the bows I have had
Rating for this PSE product: 5
Author of this review on PSE Archery Bows: Kelly Smith
Date: 2003-09-30
Usefulness Rating: 4.45349 out of 5.
86 reader(s) voted.
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