wildview couting camera digital .3MP VGA Trail Cameras
Trail Cameras Manufacturer: wildview couting camera
wildview couting camera Model: digital .3MP VGA
Review Category: Trail Cameras
Purchase: Trail Cameras Purchased at Gander Mountain for $99 bucks.
Things I like about the wildview couting camera digital .3MP VGA Trail Cameras: Very simple to use. It's Stealth Cam's new and improved version. As anyone who ever used a stealth digital camera knows, the battery life is extremely poor. They now require 4 c batteries, and I have taken over 50 pictures in 2 weeks and its still going.
What I don't like about the wildview couting camera digital .3MP VGA : The pictures are adequate for a .3MP camera. No date or time stamp.
Trail Cameras digital .3MP VGA quality: Seems to be of good quality.
digital .3MP VGA summary: If your looking to just find out whats out there, this seems to be a bargin. However if you want to take high resolution pictures with date and time, its not for you.
Rating for this wildview couting camera product: 4
Author of this review on wildview couting camera Trail Cameras: jake32
Date: 2005-07-01
Usefulness Rating: 3.47264 out of 5.
201 reader(s) voted.
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