Crow's Nest Tree Stands Big Crow Tree Stands
Tree Stands Manufacturer: Crow's Nest Tree Stands
Crow's Nest Tree Stands Model: Big Crow
Review Category: Tree Stands
Purchase: Tree Stands I'm a big man and always have been. I acquired this unit because I was sick and tired of the one size fits all tree stands. Many of them have a weight limit of 250 lbs. and I go closer to 350 on a good day. I found myself thinking about weight limits rather than hunting. That's the last thing you want when you're 25 foot high in a tree. I paid $225.00 a few months back.
Things I like about the Crow's Nest Tree Stands Big Crow Tree Stands: It was made for a full sized person such as myself. I don't have to teter up there all day. I also know it's not going to give out on me after a good meal. Very well made and even offers a seat height adjustment. These people are doing it right knowing that one size doesn't fit all. I also like the generous leg room and of course the angled footrest which is comfortable.
What I don't like about the Crow's Nest Tree Stands Big Crow: Price, but then again I guess you get what you pay for. I wish it was a little lighter as I don't have a quad this year and although it goes on my back well it begins to feel heavy after a few hundred yards. I'm glad I don't have to haul this thing around all the time.
Tree Stands Big Crow quality: Solid well made and doesn't leave you thinking is this thing going to come down with all my weight. Once your seated you know it's very secure. Like many other tree stand hunters I've taken to carrying a ratchet strap for that extra little bit of safety.
Big Crow summary: It's about time someone began making items for larger hunters. The other manufacturers must think we're a bunch of little punks. If you're large check out these stands. You don't have to be uncomfortable in your stand anymore. Jack
Rating for this Crow's Nest Tree Stands product: 5
Author of this review on Crow's Nest Tree Stands Tree Stands: Jack Erickson, Casper
Date: 2003-10-12
Usefulness Rating: 4.3125 out of 5.
16 reader(s) voted.
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