Shimano Sahara Fishing Reels
Fishing Reels Manufacturer: Shimano
Shimano Model: Sahara
Review Category: Fishing Reels
Purchase: Fishing Reels I bought my Shimano Sahara at one of our local tackle shops. Each year toward Fall they have a tremendous sale that gives some really good prices. I feel like telling the guy that everyone knows he has his September sale and that's why they don't buy anything in August, but I guess he thinks he knows what he's doing. I paid $70 for it which was a steal.
Things I like about the Shimano Sahara Fishing Reels: This is the third Shimano I've owned, they give a precise feel to them. Almost like their electronic, for lack of better words. Let's put it this way they give me a very good feel and lots of feedback and that's what everyone is looking for. Very Very smooth.
What I don't like about the Shimano Sahara: I love these reels, but they seem to wear out after a few years. You can then feel the parts moving as you reel in. The wind lever on my last one seemed to have a lot more play than it did when it was brand new. When you're spinning like I do that really get irritating, not to mention it isn't providing the feedback precisely as needed.
Fishing Reels Sahara quality: See above.
Sahara summary: I love these reels for a year, or two then I think they begin to give out. I should note I fish a tremendous amount, almost daily weather permitting since I retired. I would like them to make such a fine machine for a little longer haul. I keep buying them though and am happy to do it.
Rating for this Shimano product: 3
Author of this review on Shimano Fishing Reels: Norman
Date: 2003-10-12
Usefulness Rating: 4.24138 out of 5.
29 reader(s) voted.
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