Beman ICS Beman ICS Arrows
Arrows Manufacturer: Beman ICS
Beman ICS Model: Beman ICS
Review Category: Arrows
Purchase: Arrows I purchased a dozen Beman ICS arrows from "The Bow Shop" in San Antonio, TX. The arrows were customized with yellow and black shield cut feathers which made them rather expensive at $97.00 per dozen. I think you can get them for about $65-70 per dozen with plastic vanes.
Things I like about the Beman ICS Beman ICS Arrows: The arrow quality is second to none. I like the weight 8.1 grains per inch, solid construction and the ultra smooth finish which makes the draw super quiet. I shot a 240lb wild hog about one month ago, the arrow passed straight thru the pig and buried in the dirt with no damage at all the arrow.
What I don't like about the Beman ICS Beman ICS: The proximal aspect of the shaft has to be scratched to allow the fletching glue purchase. Merely a cosmetic complaint
Arrows Beman ICS quality: Rock solid contructions, perfect weight/spine combination. Allows for a stiff, fast and easy to tune arr:ow.
Beman ICS summary: I have shot the folloing arrows: Easton Epic: Good Arrow Easton Excel: Broke off in two deer Easton Mossy Oak Obsessions: Too heavy for whitetail hunting The Beman ICS is the best, most accurate arrow I have used to this point in time. My set up is a 70lb Mathews Switchback, Beman ICS 400 spine, and Muzzy 125 grain four blades - Very lethal combination for everything from big Texas boars to big Texas whitetails.
Rating for this Beman ICS product: 5
Author of this review on Beman ICS Arrows: Bonedoc
Date: 2005-08-15
Usefulness Rating: 3.35533 out of 5.
197 reader(s) voted.
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