Barnett Wildcat C-5 Crossbows
Crossbows Manufacturer: Barnett
Barnett Model: Wildcat C-5
Review Category: Crossbows
Purchase: Crossbows I was given a barnett RC-150 Crossbow as a Christmas present which I liked to immensely to my suprise the limbs broke striking me in the face, after trying to return it to Dicks Sporting Goods with out the recipt, they gave me the phone number to Barnett where I spoke to Chad he said send it to us we will fix it. No more than thirty minutes of receiving it He offer me a New Crossbow WildCat C-5 where I have been hitting six 3 inch bullseyes 20, 30, 40, and 50yds sitting. And 4 out 5 bolts at 40 and 50 Standing using field tips with the right broadhead match to for this archery season the deer won't have a chance.
Things I like about the Barnett Wildcat C-5 Crossbows: It's lighter than a rifle, the five line 4x32 reticle scope makes seeing your targe a breeze.
What I don't like about the Barnett Wildcat C-5 : There is no connectors for a shoulder strap to carry the bow. The red dot scope was not adequate, only good for nonprecise body shot at 30yds. synthetic string needs a fair amount of wax due rub against one another.
Crossbows Wildcat C-5 quality: composite stock makes it strong yet light
Wildcat C-5 summary: With the right broadhead this is a good weapon for the beginner and some novice user, the company has the most best Tech Ever had help from Chad You are the man.
Rating for this Barnett product: 5
Author of this review on Barnett Crossbows: Terry M. Barber
Date: 2005-08-21
Usefulness Rating: 3.6321 out of 5.
704 reader(s) voted.
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