tree lounge basic unit Tree Stands
Tree Stands Manufacturer: tree lounge
tree lounge Model: basic unit
Review Category: Tree Stands
Purchase: Tree Stands acquired unit from a friend going through a divorce. paid 100 for it
Things I like about the tree lounge basic unit Tree Stands: very stable quiet and compact
What I don't like about the tree lounge basic unit: weight
Tree Stands basic unit quality: good quality aluminum costruction but heavy for long walks
basic unit summary: tree stand is good for setting up and hunting there or proximity for the year but not good for scouting and setting.
Rating for this tree lounge product: 3
Author of this review on tree lounge Tree Stands: cade hallford
Date: 2005-08-29
Usefulness Rating: 0 out of 5.
0 reader(s) voted.
This tree lounge Tree Stands review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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