Aftershock Tremor 125 Broadheads
Broadheads Manufacturer: Aftershock
Aftershock Model: Tremor 125
Review Category: Broadheads
Purchase: Broadheads I have used the hypershock 125 and wanted to try the 2 inch cut (instead of the 2 3/4) for more penetration. I only shoot 55 pounds and although the hypershock 125 killed two deer in under 20 yards from shot to drop, I have this problem in wanting a passthrough. So I got the tremor. I got them from Jays sporting goods in michigan.
Things I like about the Aftershock Tremor 125 Broadheads: just as nice as the hypershock. Everything about the parts and design is 1st class. I shot my first 12 point buck in my life with it. 30-35 yard shot. quartering to, i got it right behind the shoulder and it blew through a and destroyed lung, back of the heart and poured blood out the gigantic hole. after a 30 yard death run it collapsed. This is the perfect broadhead and size for me.
What I don't like about the Aftershock Tremor 125: After a hog, personal best buck and a doe, the only thing that would be better is free. I did bend a blade badly drilling into a rock after the doe shot, but thats asking a bit much and the blade stayed in and didnt shatter like others. the body was still good and im getting the blade rebuild pack to fix it back up.
Broadheads Tremor 125 quality: I'm a machinist and i can see why these thing cost so much. Very well though out and done. Nice to see they are made here as well.
Tremor 125 summary: The Hypershock 125 is a great BH, but i think its better for people who shoot higher pounds. the 2 3/4 inch cut will kill fast even without a passthrough, but the Tremor 125 seemed to made just for me. It uses all of the same technology as the hypershock, but with 3/4 less cut, it gets through easier and man does it kill fast too.
Rating for this Aftershock product: 5
Author of this review on Aftershock Broadheads: BownutZ
Date: 2005-11-26
Usefulness Rating: 3.76471 out of 5.
17 reader(s) voted.
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