Shakespeare Ugly stik Fishing Rods
Fishing Rods Manufacturer: Shakespeare
Shakespeare Model: Ugly stik
Review Category: Fishing Rods
Purchase: Fishing Rods My son and i acquired both ugly stiks at wal-mart store the price was $40.00 for both rods.
Things I like about the Shakespeare Ugly stik Fishing Rods: Their the best rods that both of us have every used since we have been fishing.
What I don't like about the Shakespeare Ugly stik: Not a thing.
Fishing Rods Ugly stik quality: It is the best construction ever put in to a rod.
Ugly stik summary: They are the best rods ever made by shakespeare. Thank you
Rating for this Shakespeare product: 5
Author of this review on Shakespeare Fishing Rods:
Date: 2003-11-13
Usefulness Rating: 4.00575 out of 5.
174 reader(s) voted.
This Shakespeare Fishing Rods review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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