moultrie gamespy 200 3.1 Cameras & Accessories
Cameras & Accessories Manufacturer: moultrie
moultrie Model: gamespy 200 3.1
Review Category: Cameras & Accessories
Purchase: I purchased this camera off of ebay for under 200 dollars with memory card, battery, and solar panel.
Things I like about the moultrie gamespy 200 3.1: I really like that every pic is inscribed with the time, date, location, moon phase, and temp. I also like the super clear images that it takes. The reaction time of the camera is great too.
What I don't like about the moultrie gamespy 200 3.1: I really do not care for the mounting system that they send with the camera but I do still intend to buy a few more.
gamespy 200 3.1 quality: The unit is well constructed and a great buy for anyone to get.
gamespy 200 3.1 summary: I would recomend this product to anyone because for even twice the money you can't beat this camera.
Rating for this moultrie product: 5
Author of this review on moultrie Cameras & Accessories: huntin' guy
Date: 2006-05-16
Usefulness Rating: 0 out of 5.
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