Nikon Monarch ATB Realtree 10x42 Binoculars
Binoculars Manufacturer: Nikon
Nikon Model: Monarch ATB Realtree 10x42
Review Category: Binoculars
Purchase: Binoculars Purchased these binoculars from my local Sporting Goods Store for $300. Liked the Nikon Name, needed good binoculars that were light and quality for a good price.
Things I like about the Nikon Monarch ATB Realtree 10x42 Binoculars: These binoculars are light, compact. They are crisp and clear and have the adjustable eyecups for those of you wearing glasses. The price was right, they were not cheap, but they aren't $1800 either. Last year I sat and glassed a hillsided for Elk and Mule Deer and found more than my buddy who had the more expensive, holy grail of binoculars the Swavorski EL 10x42. Not saying that is the binoculars fault, just time in the field and knowing what to look for, but as far as crispness and brightness, I didn't see the $1500 difference. A little difference, but not sure about $1500 difference. Also, they claim to be waterproof, which I found to be true last duck season, when I fell into a dike and my bucket spilled into the water. I gathered up my gear, went to the blind and about 2 hours later realized my binoculars were gone. Went back to the site of the spill, and found the straps floating on the water. Pulled out the binoculars, and they were fine, even cleaner!!
What I don't like about the Nikon Monarch ATB Realtree 10x42: Couple of things I have had problems with. I may be a little rough on my equiptment, but it gets used a lot. I have had issues with the twist out eyecups. If they get dirty, or knocked around a little bit, they stuck either up or down, and had a slight angle to them. Of course me being Irish, I used brute forc and stupidity, and twisted them right off. Yeah!! Sent them back to Nikon, and they fixed them free of charge. However, trying to navigate through the website or find a phone number to call to get help was difficult. Second time, the eyecups creacked. Nikon sent me a brand new pair. 3rd time, eyecups stuck. Sent them in, paid $20 for non warranty repair. fourth time, the right eyecup twisted off. $20 repair, got them back, three days later I did a 3-D bowshoot then went to the rifle range, before shooting the rifle, both eyecups twisted off again. That one was free. I bought a $150 pair of backup Bushnells which broke within a week. Like I said, I might be a little tough on equiptment. But the last couple of issues with the eyecups I don't feel were my fault. Still I thought I might be having bad luck, so I purchased another identical pair for backups, since the first three failures happened in the middle of hunting season. Have had them back for a month, and no issues although I am more caucious and aware of the eyecups and twist them down when I am done using them.
Binoculars Monarch ATB Realtree 10x42 quality: Waterproof 110%. Taken a couple of spills and they are fine. Only issue is the eyecups. Coated with a protective rubber armor. Nice quality overall. I think I may have just had some bad luck with the eyecups.
Monarch ATB Realtree 10x42 summary: Good Product. Not cheap, but not going to drain the bank account either. Lightweight and not noticeable when you are wearing them. Make sure to keep the warranty card and the recipt should you need to send them in for repairs. Go to Nikonusa.com/service to get instructions on how to have them sent in for repairs.
Rating for this Nikon product: 4
Author of this review on Nikon Binoculars: Unknown Hunter
Date: 2006-07-12
Usefulness Rating: 4.42308 out of 5.
26 reader(s) voted.
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