Tree Lounge Tree Stands
Tree Stands Manufacturer: Tree Lounge
Tree Lounge Model:
Review Category: Tree Stands
Purchase: Tree Stands I bought my first tree Lounge around 1994. The cost then was $240.00 as I recall. I have since bought new ones for under $300.00
Things I like about the Tree Lounge Tree Stands: Extremely comfortable, safe to ascend and descend with, sturdy and the new versions are quieter while hunting than the old ones. Included safety harness is nice. Good instructional video and documentation. The green powder coat is descent while it's there. you can sleep in this stand. A big plus for me!
What I don't like about the Tree Lounge : Heavy and akward. You snag alot of low hanging flora en route to your tree. They are not at all quiet while you are setting them up, not even the new ones. I've heard that they may be coming out with a special waxpaper coating so some of you candy-a%^sses don't stick to it though! (HA)
Tree Stands quality: built like a tank (and weighs the same). sturdy aluminum frame, solid trampoline cloth sling seat, good shoulder straps, ergonomic and well thought out accessories. New version is very quiet to pack and hunt in.
summary: so comfortable that I can't live without it on an all day hunt. I would like a lighter low-profile climber for shorter hunts as the Tree Lounge is not for the squeamish. Only men need apply when carrying this one. To aleviate the weight and strain on your shoulders Tree Lounge offers a load bearing belt that redistributes the weight to your pelvic girdle. It works. nothing can help with the overall girth of this stand, however. Once you are up in the tree though. It rules. I use the bow hunting platform year-round. you can stand and stretch then lie back down and fluff your pillow! ZZZZZ-BOOM-ZZZZZ. You can even doze away those deerless hours in comfort!
Rating for this Tree Lounge product: 5
Author of this review on Tree Lounge Tree Stands: CSI-Tech
Date: 2006-08-06
Usefulness Rating: 4.66667 out of 5.
24 reader(s) voted.
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