Spider wire braded line Spider wire Fishing Line
Fishing Line Manufacturer: Spider wire braded line
Spider wire braded line Model: Spider wire
Review Category: Fishing Line
Purchase: Fishing Line I picked up this product at bass pro shop and payed about $13.00 for it. I bought this product because I was tired of losing fish due to the bongiecord effect of monofilimet. When I would set the hook becaue of the line, it would not break the skin of the fishs mouth. I also was sick of losing lures in brush and weeds. Using this you will be able to pull through weed and other thing that monofiliment could not.
Things I like about the Spider wire braded line Spider wire Fishing Line: The qulities of this line is the toughness of it. With this line you will beable to pull though weeds underwater brush and logs. This will save you money on lures and stress.
What I don't like about the Spider wire braded line Spider wire : The spider wire brand is great but has a few down falls. If you have ever experienced your line getting tangled underneath it self your not alone. This happens to me about every 10 casts or more the reason for this is due to the shape of the line. Insead of being round it is dimond shape which cuts into your spool of line causing this problem. Stren has come out with a similar product but the only difference is the shape which is round
Fishing Line Spider wire quality: This is a well thought of line but the shape is dimond causing the line to cut into your spool. Other than that the quality is great, it last long and has a diamiter of 6lb test for a 30lb line.
Spider wire summary: Overall this product has helped me land more fish and save me lots of lures. The only down fall is like I said the shape.
Rating for this Spider wire braded line product: 4
Author of this review on Spider wire braded line Fishing Line: BASS PRO
Date: 2004-01-23
Usefulness Rating: 4.49346 out of 5.
306 reader(s) voted.
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