Cold Steel Master Hunter Hunting Knives
Hunting Knives Manufacturer: Cold Steel
Cold Steel Model: Master Hunter
Review Category: Hunting Knives
Purchase: Hunting Knives I purchased my first Cold Steel knife from their catalog. Since then I have acquired a total of seven Cold Steel knives. I was impressed by the testing reports and by the thickness of the blade steel. These are not cheap knives. I have paid between $65 for factory seconds to $199. I have never regretted the use of any Cold Steel product. I use the Trail Master, the Recon Scout, the Master Hunter belt knife and the Hunter's Folding Knife.
Things I like about the Cold Steel Master Hunter Hunting Knives: These knives are tough, rugged, durable and sharp. The quality is incredible. These knives hold an edge that is unbelievable. I have never resharpened the Master Hunter blade. The handles are no slip and comfortable whether wet or dry. I like the plain utility of these products. This is a lifetime investment.
What I don't like about the Cold Steel Master Hunter: There is nothing I do not like about them except that they are expensive. But they are worth it.
Hunting Knives Master Hunter quality: Blades are thick and strong. The folder locks with authority you can trust. The edge is razor sharp and it is durable. The steel is of unusual quality. The handles are tough and durable. Great grip whether wet or dry.
Master Hunter summary: Cold Steel knives are one of the greatest secrets in the business. They deserve a place on the national stage. But I appreciate the fact that Lynn Thompson does not compromise in order to compete with lower priced models. If you want a product you could bet your life on, get a Cold Steel. If you are disappointed contact me and I'll buy it from you.
Rating for this Cold Steel product: 5
Author of this review on Cold Steel Hunting Knives: Michael Friend
Date: 2006-10-02
Usefulness Rating: 3.68952 out of 5.
248 reader(s) voted.
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