Fitzgerald Hoss Buck Brand Deer Dander Calls Lures Scents
Calls Lures Scents Manufacturer: Fitzgerald Hoss Buck Brand
Fitzgerald Hoss Buck Brand Model: Deer Dander
Review Category: Calls Lures Scents
Purchase: Calls Lures Scents I purchased this scent from Wal-mart. I heard about this product from some of my hunting friends. It was $8.96 for a 4 fl. oz. spray bottle.
Things I like about the Fitzgerald Hoss Buck Brand Deer Dander Calls Lures Scents: This is the first scent I've used that can be used for a cover scent and an attractant. The spray bottle makes it very easy to dispense. I had 5 does and 3 bucks follow me to my stand after spraying my boots and pants with Deer Dander. None of the deer were nervous or scared. It completely relaxed them. I'm sold!
What I don't like about the Fitzgerald Hoss Buck Brand Deer Dander: There's nothing I don't like about this product.
Calls Lures Scents Deer Dander quality: This is the best scent product I have used. I couldn't have made it any better myself!
Deer Dander summary: A lot of research must have went in to the development of this product. You can't buy a better product than Deer Dander. I'm hooked for life!
Rating for this Fitzgerald Hoss Buck Brand product: 5
Author of this review on Fitzgerald Hoss Buck Brand Calls Lures Scents: Paul Price
Date: 2006-10-06
Usefulness Rating: 3.68235 out of 5.
85 reader(s) voted.
This Fitzgerald Hoss Buck Brand Calls Lures Scents review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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