Aftershock Archery Hypershock 100 Broadheads
Broadheads Manufacturer: Aftershock Archery
Aftershock Archery Model: Hypershock 100
Review Category: Broadheads
Purchase: Broadheads I puchased the hypershocks at Cabela's after reading about them in several magazines.The design interested me.There was nothing wrong with the Muzzy's I was shooting.Curiousity got to me.
Things I like about the Aftershock Archery Hypershock 100 Broadheads: What I liked about the broadhead was its field point flight.The cutting diameter.The possiblity of less issues with the wind. Also tighter groups at longer ranges.
What I don't like about the Aftershock Archery Hypershock 100: I didn't like the assembly. It's a bit tricky and the blades are very sharp.Trust me on that one I found out the hard way.
Broadheads Hypershock 100 quality: Top notch.The materials were well crafted.It looks as though they really payed attention to detail.
Hypershock 100 summary: I have shot several deer with these broadheads and most of the time I get a complete pass through.On the shots that don't pass through the deer usually drops faster.Everytime I gut one the internal damage is insane.The lungs are in pieces or the heart has a huge slash through it.My average shot is between 25-35yds. I shoot a Hoyt Ultramag with 68lbs draw.The last deer I harvested with the Hypershock was a medium sized 6pt buck around 2 1/2 to 3 years of age. The shot was 28 yards. I didn't get a complete passthrough.The arrow went in one side and about 3/4 of the way out the other. The blood trail was huge but there was no need to follow blood,because the buck made it less than 30ft.I suggest that everyone should try these broadheads.
Rating for this Aftershock Archery product: 5
Author of this review on Aftershock Archery Broadheads: Bulldog
Date: 2006-11-17
Usefulness Rating: 3.90909 out of 5.
11 reader(s) voted.
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