Bass Pro 100 MPH Rainwear Rain Gear
Rain Gear Manufacturer: Bass Pro
Bass Pro Model: 100 MPH Rainwear
Review Category: Rain Gear
Purchase: Rain Gear Just got this rainwear a few months ago right before hunting season, although I didn't think I'd have a need to use it until April and fishing season kicked in. I'm here trying to win my son one as well.
Things I like about the Bass Pro 100 MPH Rainwear Rain Gear: This rainwear really locks down tight. Pull a string here and velcro there and you feel like you're really protected from the rain. You've got to love GoreTex, who ever invented GoreTex rainwear should receive a thank you from fisherman and hunters everywhere.
What I don't like about the Bass Pro 100 MPH Rainwear: I would like them to offer this rainwear in a green or neutral color so I could wear it hunting and fishing and not have to worry about adding camo to keep from being on display to the game.
Rain Gear 100 MPH Rainwear quality: First rate, I wouldn't spend this kind of money on rain wear if I didn't think it will be around for a long time.
100 MPH Rainwear summary: I've already told my wife I want the bottom portion of this rain wear for my birthday. I get too little time to hunt and fish to let rain ruin my day. Expensive yes, but over the many years I plan on having it I think the cost will be minimal. If you're looking at rainwear reviews seriously consider the bass pro 100MPH parka.
Rating for this Bass Pro product: 5
Author of this review on Bass Pro Rain Gear: M. Hutchinson
Date: 2007-02-07
Usefulness Rating: 2.71517 out of 5.
323 reader(s) voted.
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