Shimano Calcutta TE DC Fishing Reels
Fishing Reels Manufacturer: Shimano
Shimano Model: Calcutta TE DC
Review Category: Fishing Reels
Purchase: I do not own one of these.It's a dream I have to own one.I own one Calcutta 150 AND TWO Tekota 600's. Got all three of these reels cheeper than one TE DC For now it's too expensive for me...8( Shimano has the best built reels in the world as far as I'm concerned.
Things I like about the Shimano Calcutta TE DC: Whats not to like!!!
What I don't like about the Shimano Calcutta TE DC: Like I said Shimano is the best built reel in the world...PERIOD!
Calcutta TE DC quality: NONE BETTER!
Calcutta TE DC summary: Bottom line is if you want the best reel made, buy a shimano.I found this site just surfing the net & do not work for Shimano & I'm not being paid to give this review.I own Shimano reels & this is my opinion about the reels.Ask anyone who owns one how they like theirs. Bet their answer is LOVE...8)
Rating for this Shimano product: 5
Author of this review on Shimano Fishing Reels: Katfish Kirk
Date: 2004-02-06
Usefulness Rating: 4.05833 out of 5.
120 reader(s) voted.
This Shimano Fishing Reels review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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