Daiwa Viento Fishing Reels
Fishing Reels Manufacturer: Daiwa
Daiwa Model: Viento
Review Category: Fishing Reels
Purchase: Fishing Reels I heard about this reel from a couple of guys at our local outdoors club. Also, had a chance to watch a guy working one last year. He stated he liked it a lot although the twitchin bar on the reel took some getting used to. After having bought the Viento I agree with him on the Twitchin Bar. I paid somewhere around $220 with taxes.
Things I like about the Daiwa Viento Fishing Reels: What I like is what I didn't like at first. That's the Twitchin bar. It took some practice getting used to using it and when I say practice I mean valuable fishing time. Like anything in life getting used to this feature took time, but now I wouldn't trade this reel in for the world. Once you learn to work the Daiwa Viento you'll take your fishing up a notch. The Viento allows you to twitch your bait ever so slightly even the big boys take notice and want a piece of it.
What I don't like about the Daiwa Viento: Don't expect to pick up one of these reels and expect to be an expert fishing with it within moments. It will take some time getting used to this reel. I'm not saying days, but a few good hours and after that look out because you've got quite a weapon in your hands when it comes to fishing.
Fishing Reels Viento quality: No problems yet and the quality seems just fine. It'll be my number one this year so I'll try to drop back in and update my review down the road.
Viento summary: I'm giving the Daiwa Viento a four out of five in this review. The only thing keeping it from being a five on the review is like I said above it takes some getting used to learning how to fish with the twitchin bar but once you do look out!
Rating for this Daiwa product: 4
Author of this review on Daiwa Fishing Reels: Al Whitaker
Date: 2007-02-25
Usefulness Rating: 4.25 out of 5.
4 reader(s) voted.
This Daiwa Fishing Reels review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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