Leupold, Burris, Zeiss, Nikon,Bushnell 3x9-40mm head to head challange under $450 Rifle Scopes
Rifle Scopes Manufacturer: Leupold, Burris, Zeiss, Nikon,Bushnell
Leupold, Burris, Zeiss, Nikon,Bushnell Model: 3x9-40mm head to head challange under $450
Review Category: Rifle Scopes
Purchase: Rifle Scopes I finally got drawn for an AZ elk hunt and had to go out buy something to celebrate. So, I decided to upgrade my scope from a very old Bushnell Banner that had served my father and now me well for many years (50+). I had purchased a Burris Fullfield II (with a free spotting scope) a couple years ago for my deer rifle and was quite happy with it. I had decided to splurge and look into a Signature Select or Euro Diamond from Burris for my Elk rifle. I set out to do a head to head comparison test at Sportsmans Warehouse in Avondale AZ. I ended up buying the Leupold VX-I for $199 instead.
Things I like about the Leupold, Burris, Zeiss, Nikon,Bushnell 3x9-40mm head to head challange under $450 Rifle Scopes: I did a head to head comparison test of several of the 3x9-40mm or similar scopes to maximum price of $450 (ultra cheapies exluded) that were available in the store. By order of price, these were the competitors. Burris Fullfield II W/ free ($120) binos - $199 Leupold Rifleman - $199 Leupold VX-I - $199 Leupold VX-II - $299 Bushnell Elite 4200 - $349 Nikon Monarch - $360 Zeiss Conquest - $399 Burris Euro Diamond - $439 and for fun, a $1000 Swarovski against the winner. For the test, I picked out a fishing rod that was leaning against some boxes in the upperdeck/ storage area of the store on the opposite side of the store (120yds+/-?) hidden in the shadows with several rows of bright, glaring flourescent lights between us. Despite the fact that all of scopes were adjusted to 9 power for the test. I as amazed at the differnce in magnification. The Zeiss and Swarovski seemed to have a good deal more magnification at the same "power" as the other scopes and the Fullfield II seemed to have the least. I judged the scopes based on the details that I could see on the fishing pole (which required a combination of clarity, light gathering, glare reduction, and magnification), the edge to edge clarity (how much loss in viewing quality there was from center to edge), and the eye relief (how easy or difficult it was to obtain a clear view/ "picture" through the scope). Then I brought a friend to take the test with me and compared notes. By the way, the Sportsman Warehouse folks were good sports as this took a great deal of time, comparing each scope against the other on the "over-under" scope mount dummy stock they had. Out of respect, I did it in the morning on a weekday when no one was there. The following is my quality ranking of each scope. 1 being the best through 8: 8 - Burris Fullfield II W/ free ($120) binos - $199 7 - Leupold Rifleman - $199 2 - Leupold VX-I - $199 1 - Leupold VX-II - $299 5 - Bushnell Elite 4200 - $349 6 - Nikon Monarch - $360 3 - Zeiss Conquest - $399 4 - Burris Euro Diamond - $439 The noticable difference between the top 4 scopes was very small, at least in this test. The Leupolds eye relief seemed vastly superior. The following is my highly subjective "Value" ranking, considering the cost (and freebies) of each scope. 2 - Burris Fullfield II W/ free ($120) binos - $199 5 - Leupold Rifleman - $199 1 - Leupold VX-I - $199 3 - Leupold VX-II - $299 6 - Bushnell Elite 4200 - $349 8 - Nikon Monarch - $360 4 - Zeiss Conquest - $399 7 - Burris Euro Diamond - $439 For the price, it is hard to imagine a better value in a rifle scope than the VX-I. I've never had a Leupold before and never considered them as a good value although I had heard many good things about them. I am glad that I did this test because I hadn't considered buying one before. After choosing the VX-I, I put it head to head against the Swarovski. The difference was appreciable, but not huge, less difference, actually, than between the Fullfield II and the VX-I. Certainly not 5 times better as the price difference would indicate.
What I don't like about the Leupold, Burris, Zeiss, Nikon,Bushnell 3x9-40mm head to head challange under $450: The VX-I didn't feel quite as sturdy as the VX-II, doesn't have the "click" type cross-hair adjustments, and wasn't quite as clear either, although very close, but in all fairness it was $100 cheaper. Also, Sportsmans didn't have the ballist plex type reticle in the VX-I such as was available on the VX-II, the Burris scopes and the Nikon Scope that was at the store. Nice feature, but not worth the trade-offs for me. I almost bought the VX-II, but it didn't seem to be a full 1/3rd better as the price differnce was.
Rifle Scopes 3x9-40mm head to head challange under $450 quality: Fantastic. Light weight but very sturdy. Great clarity, light gathering, and eye relief. Even better price.
3x9-40mm head to head challange under $450 summary: Having previously purchased a Fullfield II (#8)and being thrilled with it, I was surprised and disappointed that it faired so poorly in this test. Having said that though, if I had needed some binos also, it would have been dificult to pass up that deal, thus the #2 spot in my value ranking. It wasn't that bad. It and the Rifleman (#7) were close in quality except that the Rifleman had better edge to edge clarity. These were the only two in the group where edge to edge clarity was an issue at all. I liked the reticle in the Nikon (#6) the best of all the scopes. It was a copper color instead of black and had little holes at each distance mark for its ballistic plex reticle. However, I found it by far the most difficult to find the place were I could position my eye so I could get a whole sight picture through the scope, what I am calling eye relief. It is because of that and it's relitively high cost that it came in last, #8, in my value ranking. I thought the quality of the Nikon and the Bushnell (#5) were very close. Clearly better then the Fullfield II and the Rifleman, but not as good as the top 4. I liked the Busnell better than the Nikon because the eye relief was superior and it has a rainguard coating that I think could be very useful, not to mention that it was less expensive. I liked the 30mm tube of the Euro Diamond (#4). I suspect in very, very low light situations it may have gotten a better rating. It was quite heavy, which I wasn't excited about when it would come time to pack it through the mountains, and it was the most expensive of the bunch. Therefore, it didn't do so well in the value ratings, #7. I liked the magnification of the Zeiss (#3) the best. It was clearly greater (magnification) than any of the other scopes, and I thought that might be enough to push it to the top of the list, initially. I was surprised, that, even with the greater magnification, I could not see as much detail on the fishing pole as with the Leupolds when camparing them side by side. Next to the Nikon, however, it had the worst eye relief. The eye relief and clarity of the Leupold VX-II (#1) was definately the best. I wish that I had done the head to head with the Swarovski with the VX-II instead of the VX-I. I'm sure the Swarovski still would have won because the VX-I and II were very close, but it would have been interesting. For the price, it is hard to imagine a better value in a rifle scope than the Leupold VX-I (#2). I've never had a Leupold before and never considered buying one, although I had heard many good things about them. I am glad that I did this test because I hadn't considered buying one before. When it's all done and I pay the $199 off the charge card for a fantastic scope with a lifetime warranty that's American made: I'll be very, very happy with the VX-I!
Rating for this Leupold, Burris, Zeiss, Nikon,Bushnell product: 5
Author of this review on Leupold, Burris, Zeiss, Nikon,Bushnell Rifle Scopes: Eric Neal
Date: 2007-04-04
Usefulness Rating: 4.05195 out of 5.
231 reader(s) voted.
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