Spyderco Tri-Angle Ceramic Sharpener Other
Other Manufacturer: Spyderco
Spyderco Model: Tri-Angle Ceramic Sharpener
Review Category: Other
Purchase: I got this from my grandfather, but it is available for $68.95 from Spyderco (includes medium grit and fine grit sharpening rods).
Things I like about the Spyderco Tri-Angle Ceramic Sharpener: After having to get the right angle on a stone and having to spend significant time sharpening a knife, the ceramic sharpener was a welcome change. The sharpener takes the guesswork out of what angle to hold the knife at. Sharpening consists of holding the blade perpendicular to the base, drawing it down the sharpening rod, then repeating on the opposite rod (for the other side of the blade). The rods can be set at a different angle for scissors, etc. and include a groove to be used as a hook hone. The sharpening process goes very quickly, and if there is a buildup of steel residue over time, you simply wash the rods off with cleanser. You can also sharpen a serrated knife. Includes a handguard so you won't get unwanted nicknames like "lefty" or "pinky."
What I don't like about the Spyderco Tri-Angle Ceramic Sharpener: I didn't try it, but I think if you dropped the ceramic rods on a hard surface they could break.
Tri-Angle Ceramic Sharpener quality: Very good, made in the USA.
Tri-Angle Ceramic Sharpener summary: The main things I like about this sharpener are the ease of use and how little time it takes to use. This sharpener can put an edge on even a junky blade (I know because I accidentally sliced my thumb with what turned out to be a very sharp blade on a cheap knife that I had sharpened on the Tri-Angle). I wonder how a diamond sharpener compares, but don't plan on buying one to find out. The Spyderco website has information for sharpening medical devices, so that also suggests that this will do the job. I would absolutely recommend it.
Rating for this Spyderco product: 5
Author of this review on Spyderco Other: Fishin' Phil
Date: 2004-03-05
Usefulness Rating: 3.33333 out of 5.
3 reader(s) voted.
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