moultrie dgw-100 Trail Cameras (m-s)
Trail Cameras (m-s) Manufacturer: moultrie
moultrie Model: dgw-100
Review Category: Trail Cameras (m-s)
Purchase: Trail Cameras (m-s) wallmart after xmas sale. 59.99 wanted a digital camera
Things I like about the moultrie dgw-100 Trail Cameras (m-s): the 6 volt battery and holds 145 pics
What I don't like about the moultrie dgw-100: I bought a 1GB sd card an it will only hold 68 pics. wasted money.
Trail Cameras (m-s) dgw-100 quality: cheap closure latches, they will break in cold condtions.
dgw-100 summary: If the unit had a better latching system it would be nice. other than that its a good unit for the money. The unit has a really good water tight seal. The rechargeable battery last about 3 weeks running the still 3shot. Not bad for dec. and Jan cold weather. Most of the time takes good pics.
Rating for this moultrie product: 3
Author of this review on moultrie Trail Cameras (m-s): jeff from deep gap n.c
Date: 2008-01-19
Usefulness Rating: 3.5 out of 5.
2 reader(s) voted.
This moultrie Trail Cameras (m-s) review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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