bear archery buckmaster btr Hunting Bows
Hunting Bows Manufacturer: bear archery
bear archery Model: buckmaster btr
Review Category: Hunting Bows
Purchase: I found this bow at walmart on clearence for $129.00.my previous reflex growler bow had been stolen and i could not pass up the price.
Things I like about the bear archery buckmaster btr: I really liked the price and durability of this bow.It shoots just as good as my reflex bow did.with a little tuning it is also very accurate.I can count on a good shot everytime (other than shooter error).
What I don't like about the bear archery buckmaster btr: The arrow rest,sight and quiver the bow comes with need to be thrown in the trash as soon as you get it out of the box. Do not bother trying to tune with stock arrow rest and sight.The cams are aluminum but look cheap.not many adjustments for draw length, only 3 positions but the do work good.
buckmaster btr quality: The frame and the limbs are good quality and the string seems to be good for first year of shooting. The grip is vibration resistant rubber and feels good. The bow feels a little heavy but for price,nicely made.The sight,and arrow rest as well as the quiver are poor quality but easily upgraded.
buckmaster btr summary: I would reccomend this bow for any body wanting to get started in archery or that just wants a good bow for a better price.This bow is tough and can handle brush and drops.The bow does need some upgrades out of the box,(arrow rest,quiver if you use one and sight).After upgrading these items I have a bow that shoots as good as my friends pse bow if not better,all for $215.
Rating for this bear archery product: 5
Author of this review on bear archery Hunting Bows: greg h.
Date: 2008-02-08
Usefulness Rating: 0 out of 5.
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