API climbing treestand GRANDSLAM SUPREME TREESTAND Tree Stands
Tree Stands Manufacturer: API climbing treestand
Review Category: Tree Stands
Purchase: Tree Stands I purchased my stand from Security Sporting Goods, Alexandria,La. I Bought it for 230.00 I believe. I was using a home made two piece stand that I had made, it was too heavy and uncomfortable, so before the next season i decided to get a new one. I looked at a few stands before i choose the API. It turned out to be the better choice by far.
Things I like about the API climbing treestand GRANDSLAM SUPREME TREESTAND Tree Stands: The things i like about the API Grand Slam Supreme: It is very easy carry. It is light so I'm able carry it longer distances sometimes carry it while I'm scouting. I hunt a lot of thickets so it's easy to maneuver. Very comfortable and quiet I'm able to all day. It is a very sturdy stand and also affordable. I could go on and on there are plenty of things i like about this stand. I recommend this stand to any who hunts.
What I don't like about the API climbing treestand GRANDSLAM SUPREME TREESTAND: The things i don't like about the API Grand Slam Supreme: I'm really sorry, but i cant think of any thing that I don't like about the stand itself. Price wise the accessories are hard to come by, but the stand is great.
Tree Stands GRANDSLAM SUPREME TREESTAND quality: The API Grand Slam Supreme is well built. It is made from lightweight aluminum and very sturdy.
GRANDSLAM SUPREME TREESTAND summary: This stand is very well built and i have found it very easy to use, Lightweight and easy to carryout is a very comfortable stand. I can easily climb any tree within its size range,and compared to the other treestands i have looked at I have found the API Grand Slam Supreme to be the most affordable.
Rating for this API climbing treestand product: 5
Author of this review on API climbing treestand Tree Stands: T.J. Trumps
Date: 2008-02-11
Usefulness Rating: 3.62162 out of 5.
37 reader(s) voted.
This API climbing treestand Tree Stands review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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