Redington TCW 9054 Fishing Rods
Fishing Rods Manufacturer: Redington
Redington Model: TCW 9054
Review Category: Fishing Rods
Purchase: Fishing Rods I was out fishing one cold january day when I fell on some ice and snapped my favorite spinning rod. On the way home I stopped at the local fishing shop, I was talking with one of the workers and he mentioned fly fishing. Long story short from that day foward have only used my Redington crosswater 4 piece 5 wt. I mainly fish for trout but go after bass and steelhead a few times a year. The 5 wt is a little light for steelhead but still did a fine job. I was very impressed considering I only paid 120.00 for the rod, reel and rod case, it was a combo deal.
Things I like about the Redington TCW 9054 Fishing Rods: Everything. The packability of the the 4 piece is great for travel.
What I don't like about the Redington TCW 9054: The guides are not high end but are hardly needed.
Fishing Rods TCW 9054 quality: The rod finish was very good, and its a very attractive rod. The cork handle is a very nice AA cork with a taper fitting the hand nicely.
TCW 9054 summary: I am not reviewing the reel but it is more than enough for any beginners. I would recommend this rod to anyone new to fly fishing or anyone looking for an extra rod just incase you have a day like i did one cold janurary. The craftmenship is as good as any. On top of all this the company that makes and stands behing the rod are one of the best out there.The rod has yet to let me down and people often ask what I paid for it and I simply respond not enough.
Rating for this Redington product: 4
Author of this review on Redington Fishing Rods: Jason
Date: 2008-02-26
Usefulness Rating: 2.82353 out of 5.
17 reader(s) voted.
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