bowtech hostage rest Archery Equipment
Archery Equipment Manufacturer: bowtech
bowtech Model: hostage rest
Review Category: Archery Equipment
Purchase: Archery Equipment I bought this from alpine Archery in LaGrande OR. I was looking for a rest for hunting that would contain the arrow with no fletching damage. I paid 39.99
Things I like about the bowtech hostage rest Archery Equipment: The Hostage holds the arrow but dose not seem to effect fleching ,speed, or arrow flight
What I don't like about the bowtech hostage rest: The only thing I didn't like at first is the fact the rest comes with no adjustment for arrow diamter. But they have a new one with adjustable brushes. Also you can shim the brushes to fit any arrow size.
Archery Equipment hostage rest quality: The hostage is made of hard plastic so it is strong and very light wieght.
hostage rest summary: I have shot over 1000 arrows through my hostage rest and never have damaged any fletching. The brushes hold the arrow well and still look brand new. In my opinion this is the best hunting rest on the market and works as well as a drop away for target shooting. When you have good arrow containment you can shoot better because it is one less thing to think about.
Rating for this bowtech product: 5
Author of this review on bowtech Archery Equipment: B. Moulton
Date: 2008-04-23
Usefulness Rating: 4.56757 out of 5.
37 reader(s) voted.
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