shakespeare omniflex monofilament Fishing Line
Fishing Line Manufacturer: shakespeare
shakespeare Model: omniflex monofilament
Review Category: Fishing Line
Purchase: Fishing Line I reecieved this line from my grandfather as a gift. I was given this for a birthday. I do not know how much it cost.
Things I like about the shakespeare omniflex monofilament Fishing Line: It is strong and doesn't break easily, even for some of them bigger fish.
What I don't like about the shakespeare omniflex monofilament: Nothing.
Fishing Line omniflex monofilament quality: The quality is very nice and well made.
omniflex monofilament summary: Well this line is very strong and it has lasted me a long time and it can hold some big fish. I got this really large one biting my line and it nearly pulled me into the water but yet this line did not break. I recommend this line to all fisherman. Big game or little.
Rating for this shakespeare product: 4
Author of this review on shakespeare Fishing Line: Nate K.
Date: 2008-06-19
Usefulness Rating: 2.77739 out of 5.
283 reader(s) voted.
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