reelwings decoy uv birdvision decoy paint Hunting Gear Misc
Hunting Gear Misc Manufacturer: reelwings decoy
reelwings decoy Model: uv birdvision decoy paint
Review Category: Hunting Gear Misc
Purchase: Hunting Gear Misc I bought it on line to repaint my decoys i paid 34.99
Things I like about the reelwings decoy uv birdvision decoy paint Hunting Gear Misc: I really noticed a big difference in my hunting since i repainted my decoys with this more bird locked up and finished no matter what time of year and that really has never happens to me late birds are usually tougher not with this stuff!
What I don't like about the reelwings decoy uv birdvision decoy paint: Too much money i would like to see the price go down
Hunting Gear Misc uv birdvision decoy paint quality: It was a little thin at first but it thickened after some time
uv birdvision decoy paint summary: I will not ever hunt with out this on decoys again I've seen more stuff than ever hawks hitting decoys birds, landing birds in my spread before i would get out there i mean i was really impressed and I've been hunting for over 30 years this stuff will change waterfowl hunting the future is UV paint birdvision paint is well worth it!!
Rating for this reelwings decoy product: 5
Author of this review on reelwings decoy Hunting Gear Misc: Craig
Date: 2008-07-07
Usefulness Rating: 4.98667 out of 5.
75 reader(s) voted.
This reelwings decoy Hunting Gear Misc review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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