Shimano Chronarch SF Bass Fishing Reels
Bass Fishing Reels Manufacturer: Shimano
Shimano Model: Chronarch SF
Review Category: Bass Fishing Reels
Purchase: Bass Fishing Reels I was looking for a new reel to re-initiate me into the hobby of bass fishing. I have one of the original Chronarchs - the silver ones, and read up on the new "Super Free" models so thought I'd check them out. I purchased my Chronarch SF from Hi's Tackle Box in San Francisco for $229 plus tax.
Things I like about the Shimano Chronarch SF Bass Fishing Reels: There's not much I don't like about this reel. It's fantastic. It feels solid in my hand, casts forever, and is silky silky smooth.
What I don't like about the Shimano Chronarch SF: My original Chronarch's star drag clicks when you turn it. I liked this feature a lot. The Chronarch SF doesn't do this - supposedly to allow more micro-adjustment of the drag. I like the security and feedback of the clicks.
Bass Fishing Reels Chronarch SF quality: this reel is solid solid solid.
Chronarch SF summary: I've not tried the reels above the Chronarch SF, but I've tried a few below it. In my opinion, there is no finer made reel on the market both in quality and ergonomics.
Rating for this Shimano product: 5
Author of this review on Shimano Bass Fishing Reels: ShewDesign
Date: 2004-03-13
Usefulness Rating: 4.97368 out of 5.
114 reader(s) voted.
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