Shimano Spirex 1000 reel Bass Fishing Reels
Bass Fishing Reels Manufacturer: Shimano
Shimano Model: Spirex 1000 reel
Review Category: Bass Fishing Reels
Purchase: Bass Fishing Reels Up until the purchase of this reel I was using reels my dad had given me that are from the 70's. The difference was night and day! I went from tangled line, bails that sometimes wouldn't flip, and a mechanical feeling retrieve to flawless performance. It's been more of the same ever since. This unit was bought a few years ago at The Sports Authority for $40-$50. Although Shimano has updated the reel, their quality across the board has improved (so I can only assume the Spirex line of reels is still at least this good).
Things I like about the Shimano Spirex 1000 reel Bass Fishing Reels: As I mentioned in my review of the Sienna 4000, the phrase that comes to mind is "like a Swiss watch." Shimano says that their "dynabalance" system is engineered to make the reel's operation feel extremely smooth, and it definitely does. Although this reel has fewer ball bearings than my Sienna, it feels a little bit smoother on the retrieve. Anti-reverse and front drag are a couple of features that I'm a big fan of (front drag seems more accessible to me). Perhaps best of all is that Shimano actually provided an extra spool with this reel, so changing lines is a snap. They also cared enough to put a small clip on each spool to secure your line in transit or storage. The reel's handle is two-sided with ergonomic (not t-barrel) shaped plastic knobs. For some reason I don't see this on many of Shimano's reels, but I personally like it better.
What I don't like about the Shimano Spirex 1000 reel: I guess this isn't too much of a dislike since it doesn't detract from the reel, but the Spirex came with a "quickfire" release on the bail. Theoretically it gives you one handed bail flipping, but it just didn't seem natural to me so I don't use it.
Bass Fishing Reels Spirex 1000 reel quality: This reel singlehandedly sold me on the quality of Shimano products. I can not recall this reel failing me.
Spirex 1000 reel summary: I'm not too much on buying something with unnecessary bells and whistles, and I definitely don't care about tackle as a status symbol. The way I look at it, it is often worth getting the "right tool" for a specific situation, but you don't necessarily have to break the bank. Now that you know my philosophy, let me say that this reel convinced me of the great improvements in fishing reels, the wisdom of updating my reels, and Shimano's high quality. It was a good value as well. This is my favorite reel, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone.
Rating for this Shimano product: 5
Author of this review on Shimano Bass Fishing Reels: Fishin' Phil
Date: 2004-03-15
Usefulness Rating: 4.7619 out of 5.
21 reader(s) voted.
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