Buckshot/Equlizer Magnum Tree Stands
Tree Stands Manufacturer: Buckshot/Equlizer
Buckshot/Equlizer Model: Magnum
Review Category: Tree Stands
Purchase: Tree Stands My Dad and I found the stands in a hunting store back in 1997-98 and back then it was just called the Buckshot. We paid $275 each for a pair. Dad had his stolen in Nov 2002 and I replaced it for $325 that Christmas.
Things I like about the Buckshot/Equlizer Magnum Tree Stands: It is versatile in that you can move the seat to sit back to tree for bow hunting, and switch it and face the tree. I like to sit facing the tree on long gun hunts because the adjustments in the back rest make the stand very comfortable for long periods of sitting. The stand is easy to get on and off a tree taking about 3-5 minutes depending on the individual and with practice can be done quietly. Once on the tree buckshot is easy to climb with even for my 67 year old Dad.
What I don't like about the Buckshot/Equlizer Magnum: About the only down fall I have seen with this stand is it is a bit bulky when carried.
Tree Stands Magnum quality: It is very solid built and durable. I have had mine for about 12 years and hundreds of hunts. Today I ordered 3 small parts to replace attaching points for the seat. All 3 items together cost less than $25. Not bad in my opinion.
Magnum summary: I have seen and used many deer stands, and I consider this stand one of the best (if not the best) climbing stands available. The versatilaty, durabality, comfort and function make it an extreamly good investment that can keep you hunting for many years with out having to worry about much except what tree to climb.
Rating for this Buckshot/Equlizer product: 5
Author of this review on Buckshot/Equlizer Tree Stands: W. Brian Kirby
Date: 2008-11-11
Usefulness Rating: 5 out of 5.
2 reader(s) voted.
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