Mepps Mepps Syclops Fishing Lures
Fishing Lures Manufacturer: Mepps
Mepps Model: Mepps Syclops
Review Category: Fishing Lures
Purchase: Fishing Lures I got the Mepps Syclops from mepps.com.The prices were: 4.30 for 5/8 oz 3.75 for 1/8 oz There are other sizes.
Things I like about the Mepps Mepps Syclops Fishing Lures: I have cought bluegill, crappie, trout, carp, pickerel,bass, striped bass, and bluefish with the Syclops. I like how there are many different colors available. These spoons always proove successful in any condition.
What I don't like about the Mepps Mepps Syclops: I dislike how Mepps discontinues certain colors of the syclops.
Fishing Lures Mepps Syclops quality: The Syclops had amazing quality and stood up to many uses. They do not seem to corrode easily.
Mepps Syclops summary: I have many spoons in my collection. the Syclops is definately my favorite. i use it when nothing works and it always proves itself. it is worth its weight in gold. i like how you can catch so many fish species with this spoon. it has amazing action and it wont let you down.
Rating for this Mepps product: 5
Author of this review on Mepps Fishing Lures: S
Date: 2008-12-12
Usefulness Rating: 3.06701 out of 5.
194 reader(s) voted.
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