Reconyx Reconyx 60 Trail Cameras (m-s)
Trail Cameras (m-s) Manufacturer: Reconyx
Reconyx Model: Reconyx 60
Review Category: Trail Cameras (m-s)
Purchase: Trail Cameras (m-s) On Ebay... I wouldn't do it again. I had to send it back to the manufacturer who was gracious and sent me a new one because it was defective.
Things I like about the Reconyx Reconyx 60 Trail Cameras (m-s): This camera is light years ahead of anything on the market. It takes high quality pics, you never have a ghost pic, and the choices you have for settings are awesome. Best of all though is the speed and quality pics. Also, the battery live is excellent.It also has password protection, but it doesn't get in the way like some camera
What I don't like about the Reconyx Reconyx 60: Very expensive. The cost is $599.00.
Trail Cameras (m-s) Reconyx 60 quality: The camera has 3.1. mega pexils, a no glow covert light filtering technology that gets 35 feet at night and beyond. Plastic case that's really water proof. Fast is the word, you can set it to shot rapid shots, one second delays, etc.It uses a flash card that can store up to 15,000 pics on a G2 flash card!It can use up to a 8G flash card.It also has software to map pic results.
Reconyx 60 summary: If you buy this camera, it will be the bench mark for any others you have or buy.The rest will be disapointing- period.I have other cameras that run slow in the cold Maine weather; batteries that die quickly. This camera has no down side(other than price)- it tells you when it starts what your battery life is remaining; easy to use. National Geographic uses these cameras!Enough said!
Rating for this Reconyx product: 5
Author of this review on Reconyx Trail Cameras (m-s): Mainer
Date: 2008-12-21
Usefulness Rating: 5 out of 5.
5 reader(s) voted.
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