cabelas cabelas deer feeder/ontime hopper Calls Lures Scents
Calls Lures Scents Manufacturer: cabelas
cabelas Model: cabelas deer feeder/ontime hopper
Review Category: Calls Lures Scents
Purchase: Calls Lures Scents purchased, from cabelas ontime 250lbs steel hopper,with cabelas digital deer feeder ordered on line paid 150.00 with free shiping.
Things I like about the cabelas cabelas deer feeder/ontime hopper Calls Lures Scents: i love every thing about both items they have been out in the feild for 2 months with out the first problem. they work like they said they would. i had read alot of reviews before i made the purchase
What I don't like about the cabelas cabelas deer feeder/ontime hopper: i really cant say any thing that i dis like about either one very pleased.
Calls Lures Scents cabelas deer feeder/ontime hopper quality: the constrution and quality of both items were built to last thats what i look for.
cabelas deer feeder/ontime hopper summary: cabelas digital deer feeder &on time 250lbs steel hopper cant say enough about either one very very pleased will be buying more of these in the future.i had read a lot of reviews about feeders and hoppers and feel like i have the best of both worlds thanks cabelas for having great products
Rating for this cabelas product: 5
Author of this review on cabelas Calls Lures Scents: steve hughes
Date: 2008-12-24
Usefulness Rating: 3.08511 out of 5.
47 reader(s) voted.
This cabelas Calls Lures Scents review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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