Bass Pro Tourney Tough Fishing Line
Fishing Line Manufacturer: Bass Pro
Bass Pro Model: Tourney Tough
Review Category: Fishing Line
Purchase: Fishing Line I paid $2.99 from Bass Pro Shops on line. I wasn't familiar with the line at the time, but decided it was worth the gamble because of who makes it and I can always use it for pond fishing if I didn't like it.
Things I like about the Bass Pro Tourney Tough Fishing Line: Ties and knots nicely. It's also very easy to handle compared to some lines that make tying together tough. I went with the clear over the green as many of the places I fish are very deep and the clear will reflect well as blue.
What I don't like about the Bass Pro Tourney Tough: Sorry, but nothing to report here.
Fishing Line Tourney Tough quality: It's hard to describe the quality of fishing line in that you either like it, or you don't. Tourney tough has passed my test. I was looking for a good quality line that doesn't tangle easily and doesn't break on the first tug and this does just that.
Tourney Tough summary: Give it a try.
Rating for this Bass Pro product: 4
Author of this review on Bass Pro Fishing Line: G.
Date: 2003-09-01
Usefulness Rating: 3.15493 out of 5.
71 reader(s) voted.
This Bass Pro Fishing Line review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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