shimano calcutta 151 Bass Fishing Reels
Bass Fishing Reels Manufacturer: shimano
shimano Model: calcutta 151
Review Category: Bass Fishing Reels
Purchase: Bass Fishing Reels local sporting goods store 165$
Things I like about the shimano calcutta 151 Bass Fishing Reels: the best casting reel, I like the 5.8:1 ratio. supper stopper anti-reverse. this unit is a joy to fish with all day, extremely accurate casting.
What I don't like about the shimano calcutta 151: I had to return the reel to the store I purchased from within 1 month since the clutch bar would not return. They exchanged over the counter, one year later and the same thing happened again... extreme hooksets seem to be the downfall of this reel.
Bass Fishing Reels calcutta 151 quality: very well constructed.
calcutta 151 summary: still the best reel I own would recommend this reel to anyone just beware of extreme hooksets
Rating for this shimano product: 4
Author of this review on shimano Bass Fishing Reels: DDD
Date: 2004-03-19
Usefulness Rating: 3.96 out of 5.
25 reader(s) voted.
This shimano Bass Fishing Reels review brought to you by Hunting & Fishing Gear Review!
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