blackhawk vapor arrows prowhitetail Arrows
Arrows Manufacturer: blackhawk vapor arrows
blackhawk vapor arrows Model: prowhitetail
Review Category: Arrows
Purchase: Arrows Don's Handee Boworks,wanted arrows with a built in wrap 105.per dzn flecthed with blazer vanes
Things I like about the blackhawk vapor arrows prowhitetail Arrows: spine consistency, over all weight,and most important durability,love to see the arrow in flight due to the white wrap and solid black shaft.
What I don't like about the blackhawk vapor arrows prowhitetail: vanes doesn't adhere well due to wrap has some kind of coating after taking a scotch brite pad to wrap vanes stuck well at this point.
Arrows prowhitetail quality: over all I killed three deer one going completly through both sholders and did not break the shaft
prowhitetail summary: I would continue using these arrows for years to come.due the quality that these arrows go through,Found only one grain difference per dozen.when using them in 3-D shoots the white wrap made them easy to find,and when i did miss my targets they hit trees ,rocks and old refrigerators.they held up great.
Rating for this blackhawk vapor arrows product: 5
Author of this review on blackhawk vapor arrows Arrows: Jim Durnil
Date: 2009-01-18
Usefulness Rating: 3.12549 out of 5.
255 reader(s) voted.
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